Governance: Automated Data Unlock

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Group Governance Setting: Manage Automated Data Unclock

This article explains the function and impact of LeadIQ's Group Governance setting, Manage Automated Data Unlock. To learn more about configuring Group Governance settings, please view the following article: Managing Governance Settings.

What it Does

This setting allows Admins to assign specific groups automatic access to LeadIQ's available mobile phones and/or work phones.

Note: This Governance setting overrides the user-level phone unlock setting in the Chrome extension. 


Why it is Important 

This setting supports data quality by allowing Admins to adjust data availability in LeadIQ to their team's sales strategy. If a team exclusively targets mobile phones, this setting allows the Admin to elevate mobile phone visibility and reduce the attention work phones get. The same logic applies to sales teams targeting exclusively work phones. Additionally, this feature reduces clicks and increases productivity for specific user group workflows. 


How it Works

Typically, users have to manually unlock mobile and work phones when viewing a prospect in LeadIQ. However, Admins have the option to automatically unlock mobile phones and/or work phones for user groups in LeadIQ.  Automatic Data Unlock immediately uses premium credits when selected phone data is available (based on the Admin's configuration), regardless of whether or not the number is imported into the CRM. 

  • Use Case #1: Many sales teams target and call mobile phones and tend to avoid work phones entirely from their sales strategy. This setting allows for mobile numbers to be immediately unlocked when available. 
  • Use Case #2: Some sales teams only target and call work phones. This setting allows for these numbers to be immediately unlocked when available.

To learn more about the configuration of Group Governance settings, please view the following article: Managing Governance Settings.


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