Scribe Guide Mode

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Scribe Guide Mode allows you to generate three personalized emails for each prospect using insights pulled directly from prospects' LinkedIn profiles. 

Please Note: Before using Scribe Guide Mode, you must enable Scribe Anywhere in the LeadIQ Chrome Extension. You may also want to enable the Personas feature for the best results. 

Generate Personalized Emails

Step 1: Open LinkedIn and navigate to a prospect profile. On the right side of the page, click the green envelope icon to open the Scribe pop-up screen

Scribe Openers - Step 1.jpg

Step 2: At the bottom of the pop-up screen, click Guide Mode. On the Guide Mode tab, complete the following steps:

  1. Under Select Problem to Solve, select a value prop from the dropdown menu. 

    Guide Mode - Step 2.jpg
  2. Under Select Up to 3 Insights, select from the options by clicking the area beneath the option:
    Guide Mode - Step 3B.jpg
    • Overview: selects the best insights from all available
    • Fun Facts: personal facts about the prospect
    • Podcast: prospect's company podcasts
    • Professional Summary: prospect's professional summary
    • Company Facts: prospect's company information
    • News: prospect's company PR posts
    • Job Postings: prospect's company job postings
    • Financials: prospect's company financial information
    • Freeform: create your own insights

Step 3: Click the green envelope icon to generate three messages based on the insights you selected.

Guide Mode - Step 3.jpg

Step 4: Review each generated message, clicking Next to move on to the next message.

  • If you wish to use a message, simply click the green copy icon and then paste the message into your preferred communication platform.
  • If you wish to offer feedback for Scribe, simply click the thumbs-up or thumbs-down icon.
  • Click the green refresh icon if you want Scribe to provide a new message using the same insight. 
  • If you want to provide additional instruction to the Scribe AI, such as a change in voice or tone, click the black pencil icon.  

Step 5: To use a message, simply click the green copy icon and paste the message into your preferred communication platform, click send, and you're done!

Guide Mode - Step 5.jpg

If you have any questions about Scribe Guide Mode, you can reach out to the LeadIQ Support Team by clicking Submit a Request at the top right of this page.


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