LeadIQ Upload Feature Best Practices: How to Format CSV Files



Search By Email

You can now upload and search leads by email, allowing for faster data enrichment. This process fetches emails uploaded from a CSV file and verifies those emails in our database, adding only verified records to the list. For each verified email added to the list, 1 standard credit will be deducted from your account.

Before you begin, click Upload in Lists and click Download Sample CSV available on the pop up screen. Make sure the file is formatted correctly and includes Email column, then proceed with the following steps:

1. On the Upload Leads popup, under the Search by Email tab, you have two options: Click + Choose or drag and drop to upload the CSV file you want to use.


2. Once the CSV file title is visible under the +Choose button, click Upload.

3. After clicking Upload, a notification will pop up to confirm the upload is in progress. Once the file has finished importing, an Import Complete notification will pop up confirming the CSV file has been uploaded to the list you selected in Step 2. To view the upload progress of your file, click the bell icon at the top right of the page.

4. On the List page, you’ll see the list of individual leads you just uploaded with all available lead data points displayed.


Search by Name 

Similar to the process above, you can also Search by Name when uploading Leads. Make sure to click Download Sample CSV to format the file correctly. This file will have First Name, Last Name, and Company columns. 


Best Practices

  • Recommended to delete all other unrelated columns not found in the Sample CSV.
  • Column headers must be identical as the Sample CSV. Any deviation in formatting, spelling, text, etc will throw an error when trying to upload.
  • First Name & Last Name: Remove middle initials or other characters.
  • Company Domain format
    • Only include the actual domain (example: apple.com)
    • Remove https://
    • Remove www.
    • Remove anything after the .com
  • The CSV file should have a size less than 500kb.


To bulk upload companies, you will need to click on the Search tab and then select Bulk Upload Companies.



Required columns: Company Name or Company Domain

  • Column headers must be exactly as shown in screen shot. Any deviation in formatting, spelling, text, etc. will throw an error when trying to upload.

Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 6.23.40 PM.png

  • Company Name
    • Domain format (extra characters will throw off the match results);
      • Only include the actual domain (example: apple.com)
      • Remove https://
      • Remove www.
      • Remove anything after the .com
    • Best practice is to reformat the domains within a spreadsheet tool (excel, google sheets, etc)
      • Scripts and formulas can be used to remove and delete non relevant information
    • Can upload actual company name
    • Can upload company domain as well
    • Company domain will likely produce better results, because it is more specific. We use a fuzzy match to identify accounts, meaning two companies with very similar names (think Apple vs Apples) could confuse our system and send back mixed results. Domain is specific to one unique company.


If you have any trouble, please contact our Support team by clicking "Submit a request" at the top right of this page for further assistance.


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