LeadIQ Location Data and Salesforce
LeadIQ pulls location data for both the individual and their company's corporate HQ. It's important to know the distinction and map these data points accordingly, especially if you're concerned about GDPR.
The data for an individual's location (where they actually sit) is located here in the LeadIQ campaign view:
The data for that person's company headquarters is located here:
These columns, as with all columns of LeadIQ data, are mappable to specific fields in Salesforce. You can access the Custom Mappings here: https://account.leadiq.com/account/sfdc/config
Just click Custom Mappings and switch slider to Team Admin.
In the left hand column, choose the LeadIQ data point you'd like to map.
- The individual's location data is called "Lead Location"
- The company's location is called "Company HQ Location"
In the right hand column choose the Salesforce field to which you'd like to map.
If you have any questions about integrations, you can reach out to the Support Team by clicking Submit a Request at the top right of this page.