Using Data Police to Report Bad Data


What is Data Police?

Data Police is a feature within LeadIQ that lets you report incorrect data. Our data team checks and confirms these reports regularly so that our customers have the most accurate data possible. Credits used to unlock phone numbers may be refunded if we confirm your submission. This feature is available in both the LeadIQ Chrome extension and the LeadIQ web app. 


In the Chrome Extension

When viewing a prospect in the extension, three communication fields are listed: Work Email, Work Phones, and Mobile Phones. If you are viewing one of these fields and know that there is incorrect information, you can report this information using our Data Police feature. 

Work Email

If you see an incorrect work email, hover over the area next to the email address until you see the pencil (Edit) icon. Click Edit.

Data Police - Email - Edit Icon.jpg

In the popup, click Report as Bounced to report the inaccurate email address to the Data Police. 

Data Police - Email - Report as Bounced.jpg

Work Phones & Mobile Phones

After unlocking, if you see an incorrect work or mobile phone number, hover over the area next to the phone number until you see the Edit and Flag as Inaccurate options.

Data Police - Phones - Edit & Flag.jpg

Click Flag as Inaccurate and in the popup, click Report to report the inaccurate number to the Data Police. 

Data Police - Phones - Flag - Report.jpg

Please Note: Credits used to unlock phone numbers may be refunded if we confirm your submission. 


In the Web App

Incorrect Email or Phone for Single Prospect

2023-07-21_15-32-16 (1).gif

Incorrect Email or Phone for Multiple Prospects

2023-07-21_15-36-34 (1).gif

Email or Phone Number Belongs to a Different Person 

2023-07-21_15-44-49 (1).gif

If you have any questions about the Data Police feature, you can contact the Support Team by clicking Submit a Request at the top right of this page.



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